Over Christmas we took a family picture with everyone there. Some of you may be seeing it on my mom's christmas cards that she's sending out, but here it is anyways. It's hard to get everyone together all photo ready so we did a couple shots at church Christmas Sunday. From left to right, Dallin, Dustin, Dad, Mom, Scot and Brittany, Breanna, Karlie, Me, Zoey, and Andrew.
Here's a little tidbit on what everyone's doing...
Mom is still working for a charter school and is busy busy with Karlie, Dallin, her college children, and of course her new grandbaby Zoey.
Dad is busy trying to work out the best care for his parents up in Nevada. It's a hard time as they are in their mid-90's.
Breanna is in her last semester at Chapman Law School. She's almost done! She's such a great aunt. Zoey loves her.
Brittany and Scot are living in Provo. Brittany is in BYU's nursing program while Scot just finished his first semester at BYU's Law School.
Andrew, Zoey, and I are living in Lindon for now. I finished my last class at BYU and am awaiting my diploma in the mail. Andrew is working and going to school. Zoey just learned to sit up for long periods of time and keeps getting more cute every day if that's possible.
Dustin just finished his first semester at BYU and loved it. He is starting his second semester there while preparing for his mission. I believe he can turn in his papers in Feb!
Karlie is in her Junior year of High School. She is 16 and is having tons of fun with friends and dates. She had so much fun with Zoey over Christmas break.
Dallin is in 7th grade and is doing tons of sports. So far I know that he's done volleyball and is now in basketball. He may have done another. I'm just not sure. He's still a goof :)
Well, my brief update turned out pretty long. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy new year! We are getting Christmas cards together...if anyone would like one mailed to them please let me know in a comment with your address. I know there's some of you that I don't have addresses for.
Long updates rule brief ones, any day :) Is what awesome seeing you guys, seriously your hair is way cute. See ya soon, let me know on whether the 15th or the 21st is a better day in February to do a couple's night thing :)
will you send me your address too so i can send you one? Ours is
1009 N. University Ave #2
Provo ut 84604
your family is darling
You guys all look so great! Cute family :)
Send a Christmas card, please.
3538 Prospect Ave. La Crescenta 91214
Random q, where do you buy your alligator clips? Roberts seems to always be out.
Still waiting for the Christmas card......
Cindy @
3538 Prospect Ave.
La Crescenta, CA 91214
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