
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Quick Update

Sorry I haven't been on to blog in awhile. Here's ther reason why...We have moved in with my grandparents in Ely, NV to help them out until their house sells. My grandpa can't live alone and my grandma is in the care center here. So, we're not too sure how long we will be here, but we're glad to have this opportunity to help out. Zoey is named after her great grandma Zoe Kenyon who is in the care center here. We go out every day to visit with baby Zoey and grandma just loves it. Baby's can do miracles with the elderly. It's her favorite part of the day. I'll have to post some pictures later of Zoey and her great grandmother. She can sure make her smile. So,'s a small town that is about "4 hours from everywhere" (I stole that from someone here). It's 4 hours from St. George, Salt Lake, Provo, Las Vegas, Reno, and Rexburg. There's nothing else closer that has much more than they already have. They do have a McDonalds and a Subway and an Arby's but that's it. It's a beautiful area up in the mountains, 6,000 + elevation. The weather here is much the same as Provo. So we've been busy cleaning out their house, driving grandpa to meals with grandma, playing wii, preparing talks for church, and watching a lot of HGTV and dogwhisperer :) I only get on the internet once in a while when we come down to the library so sorry if I haven't gotten back to anyone. I'll try to get some pictures posted soon. Meanwhile here's what Baby Zoey's been up to...

-Learning to crawl, she's SO close. She scoots everywhere and get's up on her hands and knees and can even go forward with her feet and maybe one hand. I bet within a week she'll figure it out.

-Getting back on her schedule of naps. She can finally once again go to sleep by herself without crying. Christmas and all the traveling really got her off.

-Eating lots of food. She's getting a little chubbier.

-Getting her 6 month check up...she weighs 13 1/2 pounds and is 26 inches long.

Well I'm getting kicked off the computer by the librarian. This town only has two computers with internet so I guess it's like back in elementary waiting for people to get off the swings. So long!

1 comment:

Jake & Rachel said...

Wow, what a change! That is really good of you and your husband, it's great you can help out AND have this special time with grandparents.