I forgot to post Zoey's stats from her one year doctor appointment. She is 29 inches long (50%) her head I forgot (something normal), and she is 17.5 pounds (still 5%). She had her shots and that was sad :( but they are done for awhile. Zoey has learned some fun things these past weeks. She can sign for "food", "all done", "thank you", and just learned "I love you". Thank you is the cutest one, it's the the real way to sign for thank you; I picked something not so close to food so she uses the sign for "please" for "thank you" (you pat your chest with one hand, she does it with a big grin). I haven't gotten that into signing with her mostly because the first one I taught her "food" was really hard. I decided it wasn't worth the struggle especially since she is saying food along with the sign. She's much better at saying words than signing them.
As far as walking, she is not :) She is headed in the right direction. She stands up more and more and started getting up on her own in the middle of the floor. There's improvement! I'm just hoping this is a good outlook on what's to come....a nice, relaxed, quiet, and polite little girl that likes to take her time and is in no rush :) I'm dreaming right?
A few of Zoey's hobbies are talking on the phone, playing with musical toys, taking baths, going swimming, eating, eating mom's popsicles, begging, dancing, seeing dogs or animals, blowing a whistle, climbing on the couch, and building hideouts in pillows :)
One more update, Zoey has her third tooth and still a great teether/sleeper.

Cracking up about something

She has learned how to talk on the phone :)
Zoey and a friend from our ward and the stake youth Luau
1 comment:
What a cutie! Glad we got to see you this week. Hopefully we will have a baby next time you're in town!
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