I have not been the best about blogging. Partly because Andrew takes his computer to school (I need my own) and partly because I have been lazy. I keep expecting everyone else to update their blogs while mine just sits. Sorry!
Zoey's update:
Here are some recent pictures of Zoey. My baby girl is almost 16 months old!!! I can't believe it. She is saying so many words that I think I'm taking her "word count" off before it takes up the whole blog. Her most complex words are "cracker" "apple" and "flower". She is so polite and also says thank you (the word and the sign) almost anytime you do something she wants. I weighed her yesterday and she weighs 19.8 lbs...We finally bought her a big girl carseat (the poor thing has been stuffed into newborn position for way too long), I hope no one minds that I am .2 lbs off. She really was illegally tall for her infant carrier and it's so much nicer to look back and see her sitting up instead of laying down crying because the sun is right in her eyes and she can't move her head...poor girl :( She is so fun all the time. She is so social. After the initial "getting used to you" phase she is very good about always saying "hi, hi, hi" to you the moment she sees you. I could go on and on about all her achievements but I won't. She really is the best baby and we love her!
Zoey #2 update:
This is Dustin's (Elder Kenyon's) name for our baby #2. She seems to be doing fine. She is definitely a girl and everything has been great. What a blessing this pregnancy has been. It is nothing like Zoey's (which makes it a blessing). With Zoey, I was either at the toilet or in my bed with a bowl in arms reach for over 27 weeks. I would get light headed and even after 27 weeks, I still had that annoying lingering nausea in the pit of my stomach.... thankfully those days are gone...for now. This time around I have had more energy and did not get AS sick. I still had a bowl by my bed but just didn't get as comfortable with it. Plus, that sickness only lasted until about 20 weeks and now I am 27 weeks and it is long gone (no lingering)! It has been wonderful.
Besides my spout about being sick, here are the major differences this time around....
-I am showing WAY more than with Zoey (hence, why there are no
pregnant pictures of me on this blog :)
-I am getting heartburn earlier
-I don't feel the baby move as strongly (doctor says my placenta being in front causes this)
-I am able to go longer periods without eating
-I have TONS of painless contractions
-I feel lots of pressure
I'm sure there are more but I don't want to bore anyone. I'll move on.
Andrew update:
Andrew started school at BYU-I in September and loves it. He is working hard and always studying. When he gets time he works on his cars that he likes to fix up and sell. Right now he is in ID and I'm at his parents in Lindon and I miss him tons! He's the best and I love him.
Other Updates:
Elder Kenyon is officially in Lubbock, TX as of Monday of this week. We got to speak with him as a family last Sat. night while we were together for my Grandmothers funeral. He sounds like he's doing great and is really excited to be out in the field.
As I mentioned we were at my grandmother's funeral. This was my grandma, Zoe Kenyon, the one we were able to visit while living in Ely at the beginning of the year. She was able to live with my grandpa in an assisted living center in Sandy, UT until she passed away on Oct. 9th. She was 93 years old. I am glad that we were able to spend so much time with her earlier this year. I am glad that Zoey was able to visit with her great grandmother and we will miss her. However, she suffered a lot these past few years and I am grateful she is in a much better place where she can use her mind. The funeral was very special for me.
Another unfortunate event was the passing of my grandpa (on the other side). This happened the day of my grandma's funeral and was a little unexpected. My mom's father had a stroke 4 years ago and has been bedridden ever since with a feeding tube and trach. However, he was only 75 and his mind was completely alive. It broke my heart every time we visited knowing that he wanted so badly to communicate but his body was holding him back. There were no other major health problems during these four years. A week ago he got some kind of virus/infection and it really caught up to him quickly. He only lived for a few more days. He passed away last Sat. and I will be going to CA tomorrow for his funeral. We will miss him a lot too. He had a great sense of humor and was always making us laugh.

1 comment:
So sorry to hear that your Grandpa passed. Boy, that is a lot for your family this month. I'll have to frop your mom a note.
Please give us Elder Kenyon's address so we can send mail.
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