We will be adding another cute little bundle of joy to our family. He/she will be arriving the end of July. The baby is growing healthy and strong and in a few weeks we'll know the gender! I love finding out :) I'm sure everyone is just as nosey as me and wants to know the age difference. Jane and Baby#3 will be exactly as far apart as Zoey and Jane....about 18 1/2 months apart. I'm a little worried and nervous to become a mommy of three but I know we will all adjust and grow in just the right ways. I love that this baby will be coming in July. Zoey was born July 1st and it was so nice to not have to worry about the sicknesses and be able to take my baby out. I think it made for a much healthier Zoey and a less crazy momma. Having Jane in January was tough. I definitely got the winter baby blues. Summers here in ID can't really be classified as horrible and hot. They are actually extremely pleasant and beautiful. It will be a perfect time to welcome this little one into the world. Being pregnant during the summer never worries me here. Maybe if I were back in So. Cal. or somewhere like Vegas or Arizona I would be thinking differently.
My pregnancy so far has been pretty average compared to my last two. Zoey's was by far the worst with horrible nausea that landed me in the hospital more than once. Jane's was more mild than Zoey's although still consisted of many wasted meals (if you know what I mean :) This pregnancy is a lot like Jane's however most of my judgement is based on how many times I throw up lol. It's hard to notice/remember any other symptom when all you feel is nauseous! I am definitely popping out much sooner than with little Janey. With each baby I start showing earlier and earlier but I figure this is pretty normal as the uterus is already stretched and ready to go :) I definitely have a lot LESS energy than I remember with the last two. I'm sure everyone will agree it's because there are two little babies already running around the house! I have to admit that I really don't enjoy being pregnant. I am hoping this goes by as quickly as it did with Jane. I am already anxious to meet him/her!
Oh and I am guessing this is another girl...but would really LOVE a little mister :)
Congratulations!!!! No wonder you are exhausted, ha. I'm hoping for another girl. With them being this close it will be a lot easier, to have a girl, and less expensive, because you can share and hand down clothes. Stay well, and get the rest you need. Best wishes to all of you!!!
Congratulations, that's so exciting! Having your girls pretty close will be so fun for them as they grow up. My sisters and I are all 3 years apart and I always wished we were closer!
Congrats!! That is so exciting!! I'm so happy for your cute family!!
So excited for you guys again. :) So excited we are due within a week of each other. Too fun.
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