I feel a little spoiled as I write this because I am realizing that with every pregnancy I have gotten what I wanted with the gender...I wanted a girl first: got it, another girl 2nd so they could be friends: got it, this time around I wanted a boy really bad: got it. I've never had a real noble reason for wanting a certain gender, mostly just selfish reasons. Anyways, with that aside...here's the most recent pregnancy news.
I had my 20 week ultrasound last week. The ultrasound tech was NOT the most friendly person and was pretty stingy about showing us the screen. I'm over it now, but if that were my first ever ultrasound I would have been pretty disappointed. Measurements were right on with me being 20 weeks along. Baby's measurements were good, my placenta was good, and my cervix was good. Good news all around. The gender was most definitely MALE as you can tell in one of the pictures below. I couldn't believe that I really got what I wanted when she said it was a boy. Andrew was pretty excited abut the news as well. It's so much fun to know what this baby will be. I love being able to look at boy clothes and just imagine what a little boy baby will be like. I'm sure a lot more wild than my fairly mild mannered girls but I'll take it! Andrew can have wrestling matches to wind him down every night while the girls and I chat and relax :) Not much else is going on. This pregnancy is actually really easy as of now. My morning sickness is completely gone which is awesome! My last two pregnancies I could not say that at this point. Something about this baby is making me bigger than my other two but I'll just contribute it to the gender and I honestly don't care. It's fun to actually look pregnant instead of just chubby. I've decided that it's much better to just wear maternity clothes than to try and hide your belly in your normal clothes. The maternity clothes show off your belly and actually make you look pregnant while regular clothes just show off your chubby areas...love handles, etc. Sorry for the ramblings...one more thing. I am finally feeling a boost in energy which is SO needed. I can actually get some cleaning done and maybe even get ready for the day. I know this will wain as I enter my third trimester but I'll enjoy it while it lasts! Can't wait for July!
In other news, my mom purchased tickets for me, Zoey, and Jane to fly down and visit next month. We are planning on going to Disneyland and having a much needed break from Rexburg. I feel like I never get breaks but in reality I do. We did get a break for Christmas and Thanksgiving. I guess I'm just comparing myself to other families in our area. We definitely do not leave town as much as the average couple around here. I'm fine with that and actually think it really helps us develop better friendships because we are around to actually participate. Nonetheless, I am feeling a little burnt out with everyday life including my calling so this break will hopefully be just what we need! I'm sad Andrew can't go but he doesn't seem to care much so whatev (he said he doesn't like Disneyland...I don't think he's been since he was a boy so maybe he had a bad experience) :)
Well, on with the pictures.
My first baby boy purchase. I told myself I won't go crazy with buying clothes but after finding out the gender I couldn't resist just one little outfit. I am SO happy to be having a summer baby. Can't wait to get that little newborn out and about!

Face straight on...i know, it looks like skeletor lol. It's cute to me because his mouth is open. I guess he's "drinking" the fluid...weird.

Wasn't planning on putting this picture up but it actually looks kind of cool to me with the angle....minus the pale freckled arm lol. I've come to terms with my skin color and complexion. It took awhile. In junior high I refused to wear short sleeved shirts in public because of my freckles. This may not seem like a big deal but in 100+ degree weather it really wasn't very comfortable. Looking back, I really can't believe I did that but I'm sure we all have our awkward self conscious junior high stories to tell. Anyways, now I could care less what others think and I've stopped trying to find ways to change the color...it honestly doesn't work. I've tried just about everything you could think of and everytime I just end up with a bad burn that eventually peels and leaves even more freckles. Sunscreen is my best friend now especially after hearing some scary stories of people dying from skin cancer. That will not be me. Plus, there are good things to having such fair complexion. For one, my skin will keep it's elasticity longer and keep me looking young (not that I need to look younger but maybe I'll appreciate it when I'm older right?), and second I have met so many beautiful grandmas that said their red/strawberry blonde hair never went grey, it just got lighter and lighter until it went blonde. I'm hoping mine will do the same! I like my hair color now but it would be awesome if instead of going grey I could just be blonde :)
Last but not least is our gender announcement. Enjoy :)
Again, congrats! So fun for you guys. :) Glad you are getting a boy. I'm so proud of you too for only buying one boy outfit. I have gone way crazy already. Yikes.
yay for a boy! Cute outfit that you picked for him and I'm totally jealous you get to visit your family!
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