Well, today was Zoey's lucky day. I pulled out some Levi's that my mom had bought a while back in hopes that they would now fit Zoey. They are still a tad big, but fit well enough to start using them. Then I put some new pink shoes on that Zoey had gotten for her B-day from her cousins. She was lookin' good :) Then, we made our usual attempt to try and get Zoey interested in standing. Up until now, she will stand but kind of slowly makes her way to sitting again. She is able but not willing. But today, she stood for a very long time....still didn't really get excited no matter how big I jumped or hollered but it was an improvement. So....we have made a baby step. I know, I know, everyone's thinking how old she is and how she can't walk, but she's her own person. After so much standing I gave her a cheese stick for a treat and took a picture, what a cute little face :) On a further note for celebration, Zoey can say many words. She says, Mama, Dada, nose, bye bye, baby, doggie, tickle tickle, stop, and many more but those are her regulars. She can also sign for food and "all done" (the signs took a long time to teach whew). Anyways, we LOVE Zoey!

I miss my Zoey! She is such a cutie. Don't worry Danny was about 15 months old when he walked and he has turned out pretty good so far!
Yay for a standing Zoey! I can't believe it has already been a full year since you had Zoey and since I have seen you. Time goes by so fast! oh, and I love the pigtails. so cute :)
What a cutie. It's no big deal not to be walking by one, lots of babies don't. But she sure can talk!
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