Baby Nancy Jane Olsen was born on Jan. 14th T 11:12am. She was 6 lbs. 7 oz. and 19 inches long. My delivery was really great. The epidural worked great and she was out in just a few pushes. My doctor was able to deliver her which was really nice since she is leaving on Sat for Hawaii. We will most likely be calling her by her middle name Jane. Her first name is after her Nanny (Andrew's mom) and her middle name is a great+grandmother on my fathers side (Jane Fryer, a great lady). Jane is adorable and perfect. Her sister Zoey loves her baby Sissy. I'll post more pictures/stories later.
Yay! she is adorable! congrats!
Congratulations! I love the name. I've always thought Nancy was a beautiful name. Jane too. I love all the pictures! Of Zoey too. Congrats again. If you guys ever need anything let me know!
congratulations. she is beautiful. Zoey looks so grown up in those pictures, especially next to a new born. You look great too. I think Zoey looks just like you :)
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