I have come up against a major road block as a mom. I really don't know what to do so I'm asking for any advice you may have. PLEASE! Here's the story.
Zoey has been completely potty trained for over a year now. It was a very easy process as she basically trained herself. I know I got lucky on that one and I don't expect the same luck with my other kids. Of course Zoey wasn't perfect and had her ups and downs but she's done really well this past year. She doesn't pee in her bed at night or during naps. She knows how to go by herself and when she needs help she isn't afraid to ask us (her mom and dad.) That's how it's been like I said for a year now. Well, about two weeks ago she started having little dribbles in her underwears after going potty. I knew it was because she tried to hold it and it leaked out as she was trying to get on the pot. Well, it started happening more and more and for the past week just about every time she goes to the bathroom there is a good sized "leak" in her underwear. I have been getting pretty frustrated about the whole deal. We seriously go through at least 5-10 pairs of underwear everyday PLUS she ends up with a rash from wearing wet underwear. I don't know what to do. I feel like she's gotten into this habit of holding her pee and forgot how to go. I don't understand why this is happening all of the sudden. I'm sure there's some great freudian explanation for it all but I don't believe in him lol. Has anyone experienced a problem like this or similar? How do I approach it. I don't even care if you're a mom, I just need a different perspective. I know my frustration is clouding my ability to problem solve. I'm looking forward to some ideas! (here are the options we came up with....make her wear a diaper until she stops, time out's (don't seem to work), and many, MANY talks/explanations)
I've also thought that maybe she has a bladder infection...however she has no signs of that....is it possible to have a bladder infection without acting like it?