So much to catch up on! I'll try to hurry through so I can finally be up to date. Easter was pretty fun this year. It definitely gets more and more exciting as these girlies get older. They really enjoyed their Easter baskets this year and Zoey loved coloring eggs and hunting for them. She also understood a little bit about both the atonement and resurrection and the Easter bunny so that was fun. I didn't plan on having Easter baskets Easter morning but I didn't get them ready in time to do it the sat before. I think I want to keep Sunday strictly centered on Christ and try to do most of the festivities the Sat before Easter. Anyways, we had a little Easter egg hunt for the girls in CA the week before since we were down there. The day before Easter we died eggs and went to a park close by to hunt for them. On Easter Sunday the Easter bunny came and brought just a couple goodies and a toy for each girl. Zoey got a Tinkerbell doll and jump rope and Jane got a Mrs. Potato Head. I actually didn't get to see them open it because of Sunday morning meetings but it was fun to see Zoey excitedly explain everything to me when I got back. That evening I made an Easter dinner for a couple of our nephews and my sister and a couple of her friends. I had high hopes for it and of course it didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to but I guess it was ok. We had chicken cordon bleu, potatoes, salad, and rolls. It was a busy but really fun day. The girls were cute as ever in their Easter dresses but the only pictures I have of their dresses is from the week before at my mom and dads.

I could just squeeze her!!!

Mouth full of gummies.

Standing amongst all the goods

One of the Supermarkets here in Rexburg had Easter Bunnies on display. The girls LOVED them, Jane couldn't contain herself :)
Love little Nancy Jane's face in this picture.
Jane's egg I made for her. She promptly dropped it immediately following this picture...oh well. It wasn't the only casualty.
Our beautiful eggs. Andrew did the clever resurrection depiction on the far right. I thought it looked pretty good. Good enough for Zoey to know who it was :)
Jane's egg hunt went a little something like this...find the first egg you can get your hands on, figure out how to open it, and stuff everything into your mouth. :) As you can tell, I have many easter pictures of Jane with a mouth stuffed with candy/fruit snacks.
My girls look like Zombies in this! Andrew took this while I was gone. It really just makes me laugh because I don't recall my girls looking like this in the morning though I'm sure they do. I have NO idea why Jane's hair was so horrific (I'm guessing Sunscreen from the day before??)
Hope everyone enjoyed their Easter as much as we did!
1 comment:
I LOVE the idea of the eggs leading to the basket! Such a cute idea!!!
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