Hanauma Bay was so pretty! It was one of my favorite parts of Hawaii. This is the place where you go snorkeling for those that don't know. It's really AWESOME. I went out twice with Andrew and got to see some amazing tropical fish. There were millions! What a unique place. I have to admit I was a little hesitant to go out and here's why....when you're out you can't really stop and stand up so if you're mask fogs or you get water in your snorkel it's tough to fix (not impossible, you'll just have to stand on the corral). You're also really close to the coral which kind of freaks me out because those anemone things are like touching you. The waves are crashing down on you and if you're too close to the coral you get wacked into it :) BUT, it was all worth it. I rented a snorkel set from them and it worked GREAT. I didn't have to stop and adjust. I got over my fear of the anemone after realizing they don't bite or move :). I also was able to maneuver pretty accurately to get to a safe spot before the waves crashed into me. So, I LOVED it. It was worth it. I've never seen fish like that and having them in their natural habitat was just really neat. Don't get scared by my description....I am NOT one to go swimming with fish (I really get freaked out by them) but it was worth it! I got over the fish thing one second in after seeing that the fish swim AWAY from you not AT you.Plus, once I saw how GORGEOUS these fish really were I totally forgot that I was scared. I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for all of his beautiful creations.
You can see the beautiful coral and turquoise water. It was so pretty!
Beautiful Hanauma Bay
Annie and Zoey
After meeting Zoey most people can't imagine that she can be crazy...she is really really shy around people for the first while. She doesn't say a word. However, once she gets comfortable she goes CAARAAAAZZZYYY :) This is a picture of her crazy laugh that she does. It's so funny :)
Lovely Lady
Nanny and Zoey
Zoey calls her by her first name "Nancy." We still don't know why but it's pretty cute :)
Jane doing that baby spit thing, ya know "aaaappppooooo"
Zoey can't wait until Jane can really play with her, but she's still her buddy until then
This video is sad but hilarious. Just watch it's only a few seconds
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