
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Road Block

I have come up against a major road block as a mom. I really don't know what to do so I'm asking for any advice you may have. PLEASE! Here's the story.

Zoey has been completely potty trained for over a year now. It was a very easy process as she basically trained herself. I know I got lucky on that one and I don't expect the same luck with my other kids. Of course Zoey wasn't perfect and had her ups and downs but she's done really well this past year. She doesn't pee in her bed at night or during naps. She knows how to go by herself and when she needs help she isn't afraid to ask us (her mom and dad.) That's how it's been like I said for a year now. Well, about two weeks ago she started having little dribbles in her underwears after going potty. I knew it was because she tried to hold it and it leaked out as she was trying to get on the pot. Well, it started happening more and more and for the past week just about every time she goes to the bathroom there is a good sized "leak" in her underwear. I have been getting pretty frustrated about the whole deal. We seriously go through at least 5-10 pairs of underwear everyday PLUS she ends up with a rash from wearing wet underwear. I don't know what to do. I feel like she's gotten into this habit of holding her pee and forgot how to go. I don't understand why this is happening all of the sudden. I'm sure there's some great freudian explanation for it all but I don't believe in him lol. Has anyone experienced a problem like this or similar? How do I approach it. I don't even care if you're a mom, I just need a different perspective. I know my frustration is clouding my ability to problem solve. I'm looking forward to some ideas! (here are the options we came up with....make her wear a diaper until she stops, time out's (don't seem to work), and many, MANY talks/explanations)

I've also thought that maybe she has a bladder infection...however she has no signs of it possible to have a bladder infection without acting like it?


Anonymous said...

Well, I am friends with a mom of four and she had a problem where her seven year old daughter randomly started wetting the bed. She used an alarm that sensed wetness in her underwear and then an alarm would go off. After looking up a little bit more about it, it might not be what your looking for considering she's not wetting the bed. Also, it is kinda expensive. But now you know about it if things get worse(hopefully they won't).

Brittany said...

I think it could be a UTI. Maybe not, but worth taking her in to rule it out. Does she still take baths? If so, some bacteria could be sneaking up there and causing a little infection. That's my thought. All I know is that the elderly exhibit the same symptom when they have a UTI. They begin to be incontinent or they dribble. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

since i've been passing kidney stones a lot, ive had like 10 bladder infections. bladder infections can cause leakage. without any other symptoms of cloudy urine, painful urinating, etc. so you should maybe take her in. just to see. she is obviously not leaking on purpose, and she has been potty trained for a year, so its a bit odd that this is happening now. what is happening to her is definitely not uncommon. i can see how it would be so frustrating! maybe for now, put thin little pantie liners in her undies so you don't have to change her undies a million times a day!? idk. and maybe just make sure to ask her if she needs to go potty like every 15 minutes! see if that changes the leakage? and her bladder wouldn't be so full from holding it in? good luck!

Amee said...

I agree about getting her checked for a UTI. Always good to rule out a physical problem before going to the psychological/emotional. Also, I have read that Johnson's Baby Shampoo in the bathwater has created problems for little girls.
If something physical is not present, you could always try the Jelly Bean, or M&M approach!

Michelle said...

My neighbor started having Problems with her potty trained son a few months before she had she was due with her baby. The dr told her its common because they can sense change coming. But he was having big accidents, not just dribbles, so yeah - I know it costs money to take kids in to the dr but I would just get her checked out to rule out a UTI. My little sister got them a lot as a toddler and that was the first symptom for her... I think anyways.

Mandi Snider said...

My Morgan has bladder infections all the time and that is what used to happen to her. She can't take baths anymore and has to limit her swimming time because she is constantly getting infections!

The Fabulous 5 said...

Hailee does the EXACT same thing. She has had a bladder infection before (right after she was potty trained). I think it is a bladder infection. I have threatened to put her back in diapers but I don't think that it would help. Good luck!!

Laura said...

I'm having the same thing with our little girl! Sometimes, she'll go into the bathroom with dry underwear to use the toilet, and come out with them wet! I started asking her more often if she has to go and when I know it's been a while since she last went, I'll try to convince her to go. I think we've had less wet underwear but we're still trying to figure it out for sure. Good luck!