I tried to really spoil Zoey for her Birthday. She got to stay up late a few times, got her own sundae from sonic (she LOVED this), played outside a lot, and just got basically what she wanted (within reason of course). A couple days before her birthday her aunt Shanna sent her two dollars for her birthday. We took Zoey to Walmart and let her roam free in the toy isle.....she was in HEAVEN. We were there quite a while and she loved every minute of it. In the end she got a coloring book and white playdough. On the day of her birthday Andrew made her a pink heart pancake with bacon and eggs. Zoey and Jane got to dress up like princesses and were so cute. Christina and Liji were in town so they stopped by and got see the birthday girl. While Zoey was taking a nap we decorated our house with balloons and streamers and put her presents in the middle of the floor. When she woke up she was pretty excited about the balloons and got to open all her presents. After presents we played pin the tail on the donkey. The rest of the day was spent playing with her toys and then we had her birthday cake (brownies with frosting) later that night. Since then I've heard Zoey singing happy birthday to herself many times. She's a pretty cute 2 year old :)

It's so fun that Zoey was singing "Happy Birthday" to herself. I bet it's soooo cute!
Happy Birthday, Zoey!
Happy Birthday to Zoey!! I can't believe she and Brynn are 2. She is such a cutie, I love the pick with her hands under her chin.
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