Her eyes are just so gorgeous!
Little Janey turned 6 months old on the 14th of July. I cannot believe how fast time has gone. That's half a year! We went in for her check up and she's growing right along. She is 24 1/4 inches long (this is only 7% so she's pretty short), she weighs 14 lbs 1 oz (around 20%), and her head is 41 3/4 cm. She still has her adorable chubby cheeks and thighs. Her height dropped from 20% to 7% which I thought was funny because I was noticing she looked really short compared to other babies. I think she got my short genes :)
Jane is almost sitting up. She can do spurts every now and then but I wouldn't say it is official yet. She rolls EVERYWHERE and is really the happiest baby ever. Everyone is always telling me how happy Jane is and they are right. I love this stage because they aren't old enough to complain (or whine!) unless they are really hungry, so most of the time they are just all smiles. It's so much fun. I just can't believe she's growing up so fast, sometimes it makes me a little sad but seeing her get bigger and learn is definitely rewarding. We also started her on rice cereal the other day and it's fun to watch her cute faces. I added some applesauce yesterday and she made the funniest sour face ever. What a cutie pie :) She started making her first official sound which is "bababababa" just like Zoey's was. She takes 2-3 naps a day and sleeps about 10 hours a night. We love you Nancy Jane!
So cute! She is sure getting cuter and cuter! I cant believe that they are both 6 months old already! Wow Doran is HUGE compared to her. He is same length but weighs 20.2 lbs! He is a chunk compared to Jane!
She is super cute!
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